Access Heritage | Archaeology Consultancy

Access Heritage Has Ceased Trading, If you are looking for an archaeologist please see links below for orgaisations that can help. Thank you.

Department for Communities Historic Environment Division

Or DFC HED for short are the government department that oversee archaeology in Northern Ireland and are a one stop shop for any information you may need about our heritage.

The Department records, promotes and protects archaeological sites and monuments through their statutory powers and advisory roles. These sites contain evidence of over 9,000 years of human activity in Northern Ireland, from mesolithic hunter-gatherers to the industrial and defence heritage of the recent past.


The Institute of Archaeologists of Ireland

The IAI is the representative all-island organisation for professional archaeologists working in Ireland and Northern Ireland.

The aim of the IAI, through the representation of their members, is to advance and strengthen the profession of archaeology in Ireland. Their vision is to have a vibrant and sustainable archaeological profession that actively contributes to the protection of our archaeological resource, which in turn contributes to the social and economic wellbeing of the entire community.